Camara Oscura

A photographic project with children

Sponsored by the Colombian Embassy and as Camara Oscura’s second part, a final edition
of 40 photograms as selected by the Arawak children from their final work was exhibited at the Light Contemporary Gallery in London in May 2007.
Large size prints were accompanied by a 6 minutes DVD documentary video, which captured the project, the territory and the community of the Arawak people.

"On my return to London , when I was working with the material of the workshop in nabusimake, I realized the educational potential of the experience in both places. For the people of the village it meant a way of expanding their knowledge and developing their creativity, and for us (in London) it has been a way of understanding, by means of the photography, as a medium of contemporary communication, the way of living, knowing the cultural traditions, and an approach to the cosmovision of pre-Columbian cultures".